How to Make a Wood-Framed Kissing Booth

Build a kissing booth from wood for a stable, semi-permanent, kissing stand. Before you pucker up to make some extra cash, you need to hammer up to build the booth. This kissing booth is easily taken apart for transporting and future uses.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 - 4-feet by 8-feet piece of plywood at least 3/4 inches thick
  • Measuring tape
  • Jigsaw
  • Power screwdriver
  • Drywall screws
  • 10 corner braces
  • Sander
  • Paint
  • 2 - 3/4-inch PVC Pipes 5 feet or 6 feet in length
  • 2 - 3/4-inch metal straps
  • 2 - 3/4-inch PVC pipe caps
  • Canvas or paper
  • Rope or string
  • Lip balm
  • Measure and mark the plywood for two sides that are 24 inches by 24 inches, a front panel that is 48 inches by 23 1/2 inches, a top panel that is 48 inches by 26 inches and a back panel that is 48 inches by 24 inches.
  • Make cuts with a jigsaw. Be cautious with marking. One 4-foot by 8-foot piece of plywood should be enough wood for one kissing booth.
  • Attach the side panels to the top and front panels using corner braces and drywall screws. Test the base of the stand for stability.
  • Attach the back panel a few inches under the top panel near the back of the side panels. The back panel stabilizes the booth, but you don't want to knock knees with it when you are sitting down selling kisses.
  • Use metal straps to attach one PVC pipe to either side of the booth. These will hold the sign.
  • Decorate the canvas or paper sign using paint or markers, advertising kisses for a predetermined price.
  • Attach string to either side of the sign by punching a hole in the fabric or using hot glue.
  • Hide the strings of the sign inside the pipe. Put the pipe caps on the end of the pipes to secure the signs.


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