How to Get Your Child's Talent Discovered

There are many different types of talent, including, but not limited to athletic, musical, performance, arts and intellect The first thing to do is decide if your child has real talent or not. Judging talent is subjective and everyone may not agree on the idea that a particular child is talented. However, there are instances when talent is undeniable, such as when a child tests off the academic charts and gains entry to college at age 12 or when a child can play Beethoven perfectly without having ever taken piano lessons. For the truly talented, the process of discovery takes belief and diligence.


  • Contact a professional talent scout. Industries such as entertainment and fashion actively solicit talented youngsters. There are entire agencies looking to find the next child actor or model. Professional athletics also use scouts to recruit kids to their organizations in sports such as soccer and baseball.
  • Present your child's talent to a professional in the same talent field. If your child is amazing with a musical instrument, or has an impressive singing voice, approach a professional musician or vocal instructor. If the child displays astounding artistic ability, or mathematical genius, it is also best to contact a professional working in such fields. Though talent is subjective, a professional can at least judge whether the child has potential.
  • Enter your child in talent contests. There are usually local, state and national talent competitions taking place at any given time. Search the newspapers or Internet to find out when they take place and what type of talent they accept. Occasionally major entertainment companies, or corporations, will sponsor talent searches. These larger national, or even international competitions are beyond the scope of a high school talent show and may require an entrance fee.
  • Make an audio-visual recording of your child. Upload that video to one of the Internet's many file sharing sites or social networking sites. You can also create a personal webpage dedicated to your child's talent. The page should contain various samples of his ability.
  • Enroll your child in esteemed programs in the same talent field. In the arts and entertainment fields there are studios that train talented musicians, performers or artists as well as various arts academies and schools that combine academic training with arts training during the high school years. In athletics, many colleges hold sports camps for children ages six and up. By exposing the child to solid training from professionals it increases the chances of their discovery.
  • Manage your child's career if his talent is in an entertainment field. This is a very direct way to go out and make people take notice of your child. In addition to soliciting talent scouts, or other professionals, you will approach companies and agents directly for the purpose of securing your child employment.


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